

GET AN “A” CAFE  – “GRADE MGT SYSTEM” helps students manage the many factors that affect their ability to learn. Getting good grades is essential to one’s self esteem and mental health and the GET AN “A” CAFE provides a step by step process to help achieve that goal. It may even help one land a scholarship.

GET AN “A” CAFE  – “STUDENT DASHBOARD” is equipped with over 50 tools to help students manage their class projects, prepare for quizzes and exams, schedule their assignments and stay up to date with what is expected from them. Tools that help set goals, list action steps, post results and see real-time reports showing what they are doing so they can learn from their own experiences and hard work. The bottom line is the Cafe enables students to improve their ability to learn and earn good grades.

GET AN “A” CAFE  – “PROJECT MGT” offers each participant access to a powerful “digital brain” to help them manage their projects and assignments. These project mgt tools help set goals, list activities, set reminders, create schedules, assign tasks, list key roles of those who can help and more.

GET AN “A” CAFE  “Command Center” directs student’s attention to key learning skills required to get good grades. Understanding the principles contained in our DASHBOARD are crucial to impacting student’s ability to learn. One key is the GOAL MGT template that helps student’s to set personal goals and schedule their activities that positively impact their memory, problem solving, decision making, comprehension and creative thinking.

GET AN “A” CAFE – “Digital Tool Box” contains 50+ programmable functions to help students manage their school assignments in such a way as to help achieve better grades. By setting specific goals and listing the detailed action steps required to achieve these goals, students will be learning a set of project mgt and goal setting skills that will carry with them throughout life.

GET AN “A” CAFE MGT believes it is important to manage the many factors that impact our student’s ability to learn. (safety, environment,  technology, class content, delivery methods, class room size, class location, science, facts and more) When done properly, we believe Get An “A” can create a successful RoadMAP and deliver a healthy learning experience to our students and teachers.

GET AN “A” CAFE – “Results Oriented” Knowing the results of your efforts is crucial to being able to evaluate your effort and your processes. Evaluating your journey is a part of the process to being able to track and evaluate the results of your efforts. These results will show you how to make good decisions on things like how you spend your time, how you generate new energy, and how when you focus your time and energy on accomplishing your goals, you can positively impacts your grades and improve your ability to think, make good decisions and solve problems.

GET AN “A” CAFE  – “Tracking Tools” help you learn about all of the things you do and what impact these activities have on your success. it definitely matters what it is you are doing.

GET AN “A” CAFE  – “Tracker” shows what you have done and what results were produced by your efforts. The combination of things you do and the results these efforts produce has a direct impact on your energy level, confidence and ability to get things done. It is so important to understand this idea that if you can learn “what works” and “what doesn’t work” for you, then you can prepare yourself for future challenges . . .  especially as you begin to navigate life in this new pandemic-based world in which we live.


GET AN “A” CAFE is a world class grade mgt program located in the cloud. You can access the CAFE 24/7 from anywhere in the world. This personal grade management system can help you harness your energy and motivate, inspire and lead you to better grades, and by managing your health along the way, you can generate more energy, and achieve the results you are looking for.