The Performance Center is a high-tech digital consulting company specializing in the development of business programs, specifically in sales and marketing. In the delivery of effective and innovative programs, the end result is often times industry leading software programs.
The Performance Center is led by Jim Brown, CEO and Founder of innovative and industry leading programs like the eHealth Cafe and Create a Goal.com Jim’s passion for wanting to make this a better place is evident with his life long effort to helping others. Jim opened TPC in 1992 and has been helping people ever since.
eHEALTH CAFE is a personal health management system that is designed to help individuals manage their own health in such a way that they could be empowered and eliminate some if not all of the risk associated with devastating health problems like heart diseases, cancer, stroke, diabetes, alzheimer’s, parkinson’s, dementia, chronic pain and memory loss.
eHEALTH CAFE includes over 40+ tools to help people manage their health. They can manage projects, goals and action steps in a multitude of areas like health, wellness, nutrition, exercise, meditation, stretching, yoga, strength, balance, conditioning, pain mgt, sleep mgt, mental health, dental health, skin care and several other areas of importance.
Earlier in life, Jim lost three close family members to cancer. All three who passed were 61 years of age and all three passed within 5 months of each other. It was this shot of reality that became the catalyst for what has become one of the most effective personal health management system in existence. In the Spring of 2020, the US got hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic and since that time, Jim has dedicated himself to building a business management system to help people deal with this new reality.
“WORK FROM ANYWHERE” CAFE serves as the perfect solution for this new reality that we now find ourselves in – one in which people have to deal with having to work from home, wear masks when they go outside and social distance whenever possible. With this dangerous, highly contagious virus coursing its way through society, causing high levels of illness, death and unemployment, the
“WORK FROM ANYWHERE” CAFE allows you “a great way” to help others succeed. The basic premise is this: There are tens of thousands of people who have a passion, knowledge and experience in a very specific area of interest. In these cases where one has a unique set of skills and very specific knowledge and experience on how to get something done in a better way, by providing this valuable knowledge and experience in an area of interest to those who can benefit from that knowledge and experience, one can help others succeed.
“WORK FROM ANYWHERE” CAFE becomes the perfect launching pad for that person to share their knowledge and expertise and help others. In some cases, they may even help that person launch their very own CAFE. This is truly a WIN – WIN!!!